Our Guide

Our Guide

I went to a place called Jump Giants yesterday for a birthday party. When we got there, we were instructed to fill in a waiver form as first-timers. To be honest, I can’t be bothered to fill in any form, I just wanted to go in with the children and play.

So In my mind, I concluded that I will write anything on the form so that I can go in, am sure I am not the only guilty here? little did I know that the details are vital for access. Thank God I completed the right details, my friend paid and we were allowed in.

Before you are allowed to play, it is mandatory to watch an induction video that explains what is expected while playing and It lasted about for about 2mins, then you get a stamp on your wrist and you ready to play.

When you give your life to Christ, you have entered your full details, you are to live a life of him that lives in you. How? By Obeying his words then your life can affect the people around you positively.

When we got inside, there is a staff allocated to guide and watch us while we play, why?Remember we were told at the induction what we are expected to do, but they know that we might get carried away while playing and forget the rules.

Same as  when we get distracted in life,there is guide in the word of God, what you have to do is take time to study that area of your weakness and ask the Holy Spirit to help, because he is our helper.

The available staff on ground was there to guide not only us but as many that will come to play for the day. Same as the word of God is available for us to guide us through out our journey.

” For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” ( Hebrews 4 vs 12).

Study, know and live on the word of God, that way you and I can never go astray.

God Bless you

Dupe Akingbehin (c) (2016).

Heart Desires

Heart Desires

I was speaking to my friend and she was sharing her testimony with me on how God blessed her with the intentions of her heart.

It is about her job, she was exhausted from where she is presently working due to the lengthy daily commute linked with the heavy traffic.

She mentioned that leaves home very early in Morning to avoid the traffic and get back late in the evening and it is Beginning to affect on her.

She indicated that she nearly quit but her husband prompted her to look for something else near their home and she took it to God in prayer.

God is still in the business of doing miracles.

In her own words, She applied for a job near her home ”We were eight that went in for the interview and only two of us were chosen. I am so happy that I can drive to work and come back conveniently.

The spirit of testimony is a spirit of prophecy. In case you are reading and you are trusting God for a new job in a very good location I pray as the Lord has done it for a friend he will do yours too in Jesus Amen.

I look forward to sharing your testimony with others to read.

Please Don’t give up or lose hope you are next in line for your miracle.

The Bible says ”Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭49:15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.

Hold on to God’s word.

God bless you

Dupe Akingbehin @2019