Binge Eating

Binge Eating

I consumed too much food yesterday that I felt so uncomfortable. This was due to the Meatpie I baked earlier in the morning.

It was crusty and delicious that I could not stop eating it.

Then later in the evening my friend brought me some party jollof , fried rice with other delicacies that I could not resist.

Above is the reason why I binged on food all day.

In other to feel better I prepared lemon water but that did not help at all.

The honest truth is that the food is not running away so the reason why I decided to binge eating I don’t know.

Have you ever been there before? What did you do?

It is always a good idea to listen to your body and know when to stop not just relating to food, but every aspect of life.

Is there something that the lord has been trying to tell you or has told you recently but you are disobeying?

I only sampled the food and scooped up few spoons from each bowl and did not think I was over eating.

If only I did listen to body?.

What is the lord telling you during this season? That you have not taken your time to listen.

“As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.”

‭‭I Samuel‬ ‭15:22‬B NKJV‬‬

Don’t you sometimes wish you have obeyed, because not obeying can cost you a lot.

I encourage you to be obedient and do what the Lord had asked you to do.

Dupe Akingbehin @2020

Telling of the love of God

Hair Cut

Hair Cut

Ever since lock down started, we have been counting down days the boys will finally get to visit the barber shop.

There hair looking so unkempt. Therefore Hubby decided to take on the role of a do it yourself home barber.

The things we have taken for granted?.

 The first time hubby did, it was a teary event because the boys we’re not happy with the outcome .

Now for the second time they pulled it up from where they left it?

To be honest it was not that bad but it could be better.

As soon as they got the glance of their haircut in the mirror, immediately it was cries of I want my hair back.

Hubby mentioned to them their hair will grow back within the next couple of days.

He also assured them that when the restrictions are lifted they would get to visit the barber shop.

 Immediately they walk pass the mirror again after the conversation.

Guess what, the whines of I want my hair back started all over again.

Have you ever been there?

In situations where you encourage yourself with the word of God even though the conditions around you are saying contrarily.

And as soon you as you walk pass the mirror you are back again to your old self of letdown and worry.

What symbolizes a mirror that always remind you of the things you are believing God for that is yet to manifest?

You have to conquer it by the word of God.

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.

Hold on to the word and be rest assured that your answer is here.

God bless you

Dupe Akingbehin@2020

Telling of the love of God