

I was checking online for what is currently on offer on a sales app and a product caught my attention.

I ate it before at the restaurant and it taste good so I decided to buy and prep at home.

Little did I know what I ate prior is totally different from what I am about buy online.

As I read through the reviews/ comments it made me to rethink if I really need to buy it.

The power of reviews…..

Have you ever been there?

Similarly in the same vein we can make up our mind about people without getting to know them because of what we listened to or read about them.

I remember the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman (John 4 vs 1 -45).

Jesus tired from a long walk, sat beside a well and soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water and Jesus said to her ” Please give me a drink”

The woman and Jesus had a lengthy conversation where Jesus told her everything she ever did.

Unknown to her it was the day of visitation.

As soon as she realised that she was talking to the messiah.

She left her jar and ran to the village telling everyone to come and see a man who told her everything she ever did.

Could he possibly be the Messiah?

So the people came streaming from the village to see him.

Who will not want to meet with the messiah?

And through her encounter many Samaritan from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said ”He told me everything I ever did”.

What a great review/comment with just few hours of conversation!

The people wanted more from Jesus and begged him to stay in their village.

So he stayed for two days, long enough for many more to hear his message and believe.

Everyone that came to see him said to the woman,

Now we believe not just because you told us but because we have heard him ourselves.

Exactly how we will react when the positive reviews goes way beyond expectations.

Have you ever shared your salvation journey with a friend or someone you know might need it in the season.

Your testimony, healing and everything Jesus has done for you can save and deliver someone out there.

I encourage you share your testimony about Jesus Christ to someone so that the one’s who don’t know him yet can get saved.

Go ahead and share your testimonies, just like the Samaritan woman did.

God bless you

Dupe Akingbehin @2020.