Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Welcome onboard to Year 2023. How are you feeling?
First and foremost, I Thank God for the opportunity to see the new year and so looking forward to all what God has prepared for us his children this year.

It’s been quiet over here but hey it’s the new year so it’s an opportunity to kick start again.

In addition Have you written any goals for 2023 or do you plan to take it a day at a time?
However with Goal setting it is very important that it is aligned with God’s plans for you that way you can always go back to him if you are stuck for guidance.

As a result it helps you to manage your expectations when faced with challenges knowing that God is in it with you.

Altogether with your other goals don’t forget to set your spiritual goals.

That aspect of your life should be on check at all times. Growing and spending time with God should not only be when you have a request but at all times.

In conclusion I encourage you to start this new year with a heart of thanksgiving knowing that He who started the good work and allowed you to see this new year he is able to do all the things you are trusting him for.

Being confident of this very thing, that he who begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6 NKJV)

Happy New Year!

Dupe Akingbehin@ Jan 2023
