Central London

On Tuesday I had two appointment , one in the morning and the other for the afternoon, after the morning appointment, i still have few hours to spare before the next appointment which was scheduled for pm. so i decided to walk down to Trafalgar square to enjoy the sunshine, as the weather was nice and also to see the pigeons.

On my way to the square, I saw lots and lots of people. if you have been to central London before you will know what am talking about.

There are tourists, workers, visitors, children, senior citizens, shoppers and many more that visit the city for reasons best known to them.

What is your reason for that which you do, are you following the crowd? just because he/she is doing it is that your reason?

Just imagine following people around in central London for no reason, won’t you get tired, I will.

Instead of following the crowd, why not think about what you want to do, or you enjoy doing and bring it to life.

” Commit your ways to the lord, trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37 vs 5 AMP).

God Bless you

Dupe Akingbehin, (c) 2016.


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